Stop Dropshipping In the US Now!

Adapt or risk being left behind...

Read time: Under 5 minutes

Welcome back, Renaissance man 👋 .

If you’re reading this, you’re probably where I was back in 2020 — filled with ambition and dropshipping knowledge from countless YouTube videos and tutorials, yet, despite your best efforts, success seems just out of reach.



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So why does the traditional dropshipping advice most of these internet gurus no longer cut in 2024?

It’s simple: the landscape evolves constantly. What worked in 2020, or even last year, doesn’t work anymore. This space continually changes, demanding us to adapt or risk being left behind.

This is important because many still make millions of dollars by drop shipping. These results are achieved because they are not using the same dropshipping tactics as everyone else.

Let me clarify: The people achieving those ridiculous numbers compete with different audiences with different products than everyone else. They are not stuck with sky-high CPAs, CPMS, and saturated markets.

From what I’ve seen, people are fed up with testing over 50 products to find one winner because they are all testing the same products in the same markets, for the same price, and the same audience.

When you run your dropshipping business like everyone else in the same market, in this case, the US. This results in higher CPMs and CPAs, making it harder for you to succeed.



There is a reason why we’re not active within the US market; let me explain. There are thousands and thousands of dropshippers in the US trying to sell the same products as me and everyone else; why would I even try to compete with them? There are many opportunities in different markets to sell the same products.


Imagine three people advertising the same product to the same audience. Within the same country and even for the same price, all using FB.

We name these three people: Josh, Eric, and Billy.

Josh decides to spend $10, Eric decides to spend $7, and Billy decides to spend $13.

Because Billy is spending the most out of these 3, FB decides to give Billy the warmest audience and the best CPMs simply because he is spending the most on their platform.

Meanwhile, Josh and Eric do not have the chance to make the same product work as Billy simply because FB rewards the one spending the most on their platform.

Leaving Josh and Eric stuck with higher CPMs, making it impossible to make the exact same product work.

This means that only Billy will make thousands of dollars, even tho they all have the same products.


Imagine this Example on a larger Scale where 100 People are trying to sell the same product as you. Do you get it already? You would almost impossibly make a chance to outspend any of those other dropshippers unless you’ve yourself a product, a creative that stands out to any of the other 100 people.

It’s not because you didn’t find a winning product but simply because you’re too fixated on making it work in an oversaturated market.

This is precisely why Dropshipping in the US is getting more complicated and complex, especially if you’re a beginner with little experience and money.



Having the auction system in mind is why we preach dropshipping within the EU markets. These markets are simply less saturated; there are several different niche markets where you can run the same products with a higher success rate if you use the correct localized strategies taught in our $500 to $5000 E-book.


To take your dropshipping to the next level within the EU markets, you should understand some core principles of the markets:

1/ Country Focus

For maximum impact, concentrate on the key countries with high potential: Netherlands, Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. Each presents a unique market opportunity.

2/ Localized payment methods

You need to have local payment methods. A simple credit card and PayPal won’t work for most countries. Understand that the EU differs from most other markets.

3/ Niche market advantage

The smaller the country (Audience), the more significant the ROAS potential. You have a higher chance of not being one of the one thousand dropshippers testing the same products.

4/ Superior customer support

EU Customers are much more of a headache; they are much more sensitive to chargebacks and will escalate when you do not provide them transparency.

5/Caution with Klarna

Consume Klarna with Caution! It’s getting more and more critical, especially in 2024. But they will screw you over if you have lousy customer support and sell shitty products. I heard chargeback rates of 10/12%

6/ Klarna & Paypal

The good news is that you do not need Klarna to do your first 100k month in the EU. I have never prioritized Klarna, and I even prefer to stay away from it. The same applies to PayPal; you do not need PayPal for your first $100k month. Focus on the NL & BE market.


It’s an entirely different game than the USA! Please keep it simple: conversion campaigns always, no warm-up ATC BS, and always pick audiences with more than 500,000+ people.

8/ Relationships and Teambuilding.

Like in every business, the most important is building relationships and a good team around you! When you start looking at DS as a real business and not just a quick way of making money, you will increase your success rate multiple times!



The Ultimate Creative Formula for Dropshipping (link)

The Untold EU Secret I Overlooked For Years (link)

Deep dive into 1 of our multiple 6-Figure Product Page (link)


Stay On Top Of The E-commerce Game. (link)

Learn About Product Research And Development (link)

Learn Nicholas Brand Building Secrets & Strategies (link)

Discover The Newest Marketing Tools And (link)


Learn + Succeed in the EU Markets with my 7-Figure EU Formula.

Book your discovery call to see if you’re the right fit for a 1-on-1 mentor program.

I’ll help solve a specific challenge you’re facing with your DS business.

Scale your business without FB roadblocks such as spending limits or bans.



Thanks for reading.

Until next time!


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